Implementation of NIS2 Policies and Procedures

In the face of growing cyber threats and increasing dependence on digital infrastructure, the European Union has introduced the NIS2 (Network and Information Systems Security) directive to strengthen cybersecurity in key sectors. Implementing appropriate policies and procedures compliant with NIS2 is becoming a priority for organizations operating in areas critical to the functioning of the economy and society.

Why are NIS2 policies and procedures crucial?

NIS2 is not just a legal requirement, but above all a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity that:

  • Raises the overall level of security for networks and information systems
  • Increases the resilience of organizations to cyberattacks
  • Ensures the continuity of essential services
  • Builds trust between entities in the supply chain

Process of implementing NIS2 policies and procedures

  • Implementation consultations

The process of implementing NIS2 policies and procedures begins with comprehensive consultations with cybersecurity experts. At this stage, we conduct a detailed analysis of current security practices in your organization, identify gaps in relation to NIS2 requirements, and determine key areas that require changes. The result of these consultations is a personalized implementation plan that takes into account the specifics of your company and ensures effective implementation of new policies and procedures.

  • Implementation at the client’s site

After the consultation phase, we move on to the actual implementation of NIS2 policies and procedures in your organization. This process includes developing new documents, updating existing procedures, and integrating them with the company’s daily operations. Our team of experts supports you at every stage, ensuring that the new policies not only meet NIS2 requirements but are also practical and understandable for your employees. We pay special attention to areas such as risk management, incident reporting, and business continuity.

  • Preparation of templates

A key element of the effective implementation of NIS2 policies and procedures is the development of appropriate document templates. We prepare a comprehensive set of templates for you that are tailored to the specifics of your organization and fully compliant with NIS2 requirements, which greatly facilitates their implementation and subsequent use. As a result, your organization not only meets regulatory requirements but also effectively raises its level of cybersecurity.

Benefits of implementing NIS2 policies and procedures

  • Enhanced security

A comprehensive approach to cybersecurity minimizes the risk of successful attacks.

  • Improved operational resilience

Clearly defined procedures allow for quick and effective response in case of incidents.

  • Regulatory compliance

Assurance that your organization meets all legal requirements related to NIS2.

  • Strengthened trust

Demonstrating commitment to cybersecurity builds trust with customers, partners, and regulators.

Why work with us?

Our experience in implementing NIS2 requirements and deep knowledge of cybersecurity issues allow us to offer solutions that not only ensure compliance but also contribute to building a security culture in your organization.

Contact us today to start the process of implementing NIS2 policies and procedures that will protect your organization against contemporary cyber threats.