DLP | Data Loss Prevention – Securing Sensitive Information

DLP | Data Loss Prevention – Securing Sensitive Information
DLP (Data Loss Prevention) is a set of tools that protect sensitive data from unauthorized access, disclosure, or loss. DLP monitors the flow of data within the company and enforces security policies, ensuring that sensitive information does not leave the organization without proper authorization.

Data Flow Control and Information Protection

With DLP, organizations can effectively manage data flow, ensuring protection against unauthorized access and compliance with regulations.

Forta Data Loss Prevention

Digital Guardian Data Discovery

Digital Guardian Data Discovery by Fortra is a tool that provides visibility and control over potentially unsecured data. It allows for the precise detection and securing of sensitive information wherever it resides.

Digital Guardian Endpoint DLP

Digital Guardian Endpoint DLP by Fortra provides full visibility and control over data, protecting it from loss and disclosure at the endpoint level.

Forta Data Loss Prevention

Digital Guardian Network Data Loss Prevention

Digital Guardian Network DLP is an advanced tool that monitors and controls network communication within the company, preventing the leakage of sensitive data through various communication channels. It protects data from unauthorized access, both internally and externally, and supports activities aligned with security policies.

ClearSwift ARgon E-mail Protection

ClearSwift ARgon E-mail Protection offers advanced protection for data transmitted via email. This tool integrates with any email gateways, including Exchange, GroupWise, and Lotus Notes, ensuring protection against accidental leakage of sensitive information through email. With full compliance with SMTP technology, this solution guarantees effective data protection at the corporate email level.


ClearSwift Endpoint DLP

ClearSwift Endpoint DLP provides comprehensive data protection at the endpoint level, monitoring and controlling data both online and offline. The solution identifies potential threats and ensures protection against data loss.